I agree too. I am fortunate as well. As I think we all might be in our own way. I live in the US and most major cities here are unaffordable, and not just for artists. I live in a small city (Greenville, SC, populuation about 72,000) and the price to purchase a house within city limits where you are walking distance to a lot has exploded in the last several years. Right now if I look for a house to purchase (and not even a single family home) the price is about $700,000. If you want a condo downtown it's over the $1 million mark. Greenville relies a lot on tourism. Last weekend was our second annual Jazz Fest with over 20,000 people descending upon the city, but the people who support those festivals - artists, hospitality folks - can't afford to live within the city limits, where they can walk to work or the many amenities that has apparently put Greenville on the list of the top ten places to live in the US. Sure, it's in the top ten, if you can afford to live in the city limits, where you are close to all of the reasons that got it on the list. The city is building affordable housing but they haven't even broken ground yet, so it's probably two years out for people to be able to apply to live in that housing. They are and will be consistently behind the demand for that kind of housing. And isn't only for artists, it's for teachers, firefighters, etc. Affordability is going to be the key to helping so many.

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Affordability will certainly be the key, Talia. The fact that even the smaller cities are becoming unaffordable is something I'm also seeing here in and around Toronto. Hoping things change and change soon.

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I couldn't afford to live in California, so I moved to Tucson, where cost of homes and rent is less expensive. I couldn't even manage here in my studio on social security if it were not for my housemate in the main part of the house paying most of the expenses. We are fortunate not to be on the street like so many.

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Absolutely. Even in our scarcity as artists, there is privilege. And we all have to make decisions and sacrifice accordingly to serve our art. Thanks for this comment.

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Agree (again)!! :) I live in Montreal, which is not cheap either. I thank my lucky stars everyday that I have found an affordable shithole in Montreal’s second most expensive neighborhood (outremont), which I fixed up myself with my bare hands and now can enjoy for 1/3 of the normal price. I’m not moving out of here until my daughters start university and I move to my 69 square meters apartment in Budapest (to be renovated), or my run-down villa in Italy (my dream!!). My 15 year old daughters has already asked to take over this rental. And its thanks to this affordable rent that I can survive on a $20,000 grant + a little extra from teaching yoga. I begin to think that my friends are right and that my greatest talent in life is to be able to survive on so little. But you know what… I love writing! I truly do. I can’t help it…

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I love that you're making it work for yourself, Imola. It isn't easy, the dream that is, but we all try our best to find a way.

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Yes, and the journey is part of the magic! :)

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