Thanks for sharing this Kern! I’m wondering, how did you pitch to Breast Cancer Canada? Did you share an extract from the book? Or just provide an overview of the book/story? Did they bulk buy any books or was it simply an advertising partnership? Thanks!

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Hey Jodie, I provided them with the full manuscript, but I also accompanied that with a longer than usual email that explained the contents of the book. They got back to me fairly quickly so I'm not sure if they read the full manuscript or if the email was enough (or maybe some combination of both). They did not bulk order any books. It was an advertising partnership.

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Thank you for that Kern! Sounds like it was a great initiative!

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I’m so glad what I wrote made sense. You know how it is - great idea in your head and then figuring out how to express it. 🙂

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Made perfect sense!

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I love these ideas of creative blending of worlds to build awareness about your novel. Music is a good one. Do any songs exist in your book that don't exist in the real world? Maybe you can commission an artist to make the music that's in your book!

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I didn't have songs that only existed in my novel but that is a fascinating idea. I can inagine doing something pre-launch with the musicians. Nice!

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Mark Z Danielewski's sister is the frontwoman for the band Poe, and I know the two of them wove each other's work into their own, which made the novel even trippier imo.

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When I first read this post what came to mind was a combination spoken word and music. Have someone read the parts in the book where music is mentioned and either have them play separately or the music is on in the background. I'm envisioning it almost like a back and forth poetry slam if that makes sense. There's a rhythm to poetry slams and that's what I think of when I think of music being combined in some way with writing. I've also had agents ask for me to submit a playlist with my query so they can listen to the same music that I listened to while I was writing. I thought it was cool even though I don't write while listening to music, well, I do, but I don't have a specific playlist.

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Love this!

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Jun 18Liked by Kern Carter

Very creative and interesting insights Kern.

Here is another take, I just saw the other day with the future of fiction/publishing.


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Will definitely check this out.

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I’m also obsessed with pop culture, so I feel you.

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Love this! Super super encouraging!

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Love your creative ideas that let readers fully interact with your novel before they even purchase. I’ve been thinking the same in terms of how to incorporate music into the experience. I’ve thought about creating a custom playlist for each chapter that readers could play just prior to reading to get them “in the mood.” On a bigger scale, I could imagine hiring a guitar or piano player to play in the background of the public reading to add atmosphere (similar to what you did with the actor and the wine/cheese).

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I can see kinda blending your two ideas. Maybe it's a playlist party where you invite people to listen to each chapter through the music. Then you can explain a bit about each chapter after the playlist is over. You may not get through all the chapters but it would be kinda cool.

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That’s so cool! This gives me some inspiration to finish editing my novel so I can try something like that out. Do you generally invite friends and family to these events via email? Or do you create a paid ad campaign on social media too?

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Both, with emphasis on personal emails or text messages to anyone I have direct contact to. Get them to RSVP

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